Photoshop Tool

Written on 6:51 AM by naadir

1.Marque Tool. Rectangular elliptical, single columns and single row are all the marques. They are used to put a selection or march ants around om image.

2.Move Tool. used to move a layer. You can use the mouse or the arrow keys to move layers.

3. Gradient Tool. Used to create gradients. A gradient is smooth transition from one color to another.

4.Paint bucket Tool. This tool enables you to paint large areas at once .

5. Horizontal Type Tool . This tool is is used to put is used to put text into an image .

6. Vertical Type Tool. This tool is used to to put the text into an image . It will write vertical.

7.Custom shape Tool. With this tool you can create a custom shape in your image. You can choose from standard or imported shapes.

8.Hand tool. This tool allows you to move your text canvas / stage around.

9. Zoom Tool . This tool is used to zoom in and out of your image.

10. Eyeddropp Tool. with this you can set your foreground color. In your image , click on the colr you want to have.

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