free write: what if......

Written on 6:49 AM by naadir

What if I was rich. I believe if I was rich maybe my life would be easier because I might could get anything I want . Also my family and I wont have any money problems. Such as my mom might want some shoes but she need the money to by food. With the money we have we can go around the world to view more things and meet new people.

Also if i was rich my family and I can move a bigger house and a better area.

Content :2

free write:Family

Written on 7:10 AM by naadir

  Family to me is a group of loving and honest people. Also family is people that I can all on if  I need them.My family is  mostly each along with each other. We go through somethings but when it is time to get  everyone around we do. My family to me is the best because they care about you and they would always ask how are you. I believe that when a family member ask this question this mean that they care about you .