test Review 11/3/08

Written on 7:43 AM by naadir

Menu bar- this bar is located at the top the of the screen. Its look Ike a long rectangular.

Options bar it below the menu bar and its look like a rectangular

Tool bar is on the left side of the screen its look like a retangular shape

Layer plaxt is on the right side and its looke a square

homework #3

Written on 7:41 AM by naadir

Due 11-3-08

Bring in 1 example of the outer glow effect. Your examples are not allowed to come from the Internet

Homework #2

Written on 7:00 AM by naadir

Due on 10/29/08

Bring in 2 examples of the stroke effect. Your examples are not allowed to be printed from the internet.

Homework #1

Written on 6:54 AM by naadir

Due 10/27/08

Bring in 2 examples of the drop shadow effect. Your examples are not allowed to be printed from the Internet.

Written on 7:09 AM by naadir

Photoshop Tool

Written on 6:51 AM by naadir

1.Marque Tool. Rectangular elliptical, single columns and single row are all the marques. They are used to put a selection or march ants around om image.

2.Move Tool. used to move a layer. You can use the mouse or the arrow keys to move layers.

3. Gradient Tool. Used to create gradients. A gradient is smooth transition from one color to another.

4.Paint bucket Tool. This tool enables you to paint large areas at once .

5. Horizontal Type Tool . This tool is is used to put is used to put text into an image .

6. Vertical Type Tool. This tool is used to to put the text into an image . It will write vertical.

7.Custom shape Tool. With this tool you can create a custom shape in your image. You can choose from standard or imported shapes.

8.Hand tool. This tool allows you to move your text canvas / stage around.

9. Zoom Tool . This tool is used to zoom in and out of your image.

10. Eyeddropp Tool. with this you can set your foreground color. In your image , click on the colr you want to have.

scavenger hunt

Written on 7:20 AM by naadir

1.What does DVD stand for?How many DVD formats are available? ____________________________________

2. What is a dingbat?3. What is a handshake?

4. What is a home page?

5. What handles can you not hold in your hand?
6. What was ENIAC? 7. What contribution did Ada Byron make to computing?

8. What kind of wafers are used at Intel to make computer chips?

9. What do they call the suit that cleanroom technicians must wear while making computer chips?

10. What does modem stand for anyway? (Search the site)

11. I think the person who coined these computer terms must have been hungry.What is a bit? How many bits are in a byte?

12. The ARPANET 's development began in 1966. It was an experiment to connect universities so they could share information. What do we call this today?

13. In what year was the first World-Wide Web software created by Tim Berners-Lee?

14. Project Gutenberg puts on the Internet public domain literature and information.What was the first document posted?

15. When were floppy disks introduced? _______________________________________________________

16. How many megabytes of data can a factory made audio CD hold? _________________________________

17. Douglas Engelbart was a computer visionary of the 1960's. What did he invent that you find handy?

18. What do the letters CD-ROM stand for?

19. Name three computer peripherals

.20. What does GUI (pronounced "goo-ey") mean?

21 What is an advantage of the Dvorak keyboard?

22. What is a computer virus?

23. How did Marcian Hoff's invention change computers? Look him up. http://homepage.mac.com/cohora/ext/computer1.pdf
Page 4

24. Apple Computer's G4 is a supercomputer because its operations can be measured in gigaflops. What is a gigaflop?

25. What mammal, other than humans, uses a computer?

26. This teacher's web page is an example of:

_27.Digital versatile disc

DVD Video

For viewing movies and other visual entertainment. The total capacity is 17 Gbytes if two layers on both sides of the disk are utilized.


Its basic technology is the same as DVD Video, but it also includes computer-friendly file formats. It is used to store data. This product should supplant conventional CD-ROMs in the near future.


Its capacity is 4.7 Gbytes. Originally designed for professional authoring, a version for general consumer use is now under development. As with CD-R, users can write only once to this disk.


This makes DVD a virtual hard disk, with a random read-write access. Originally a 2.6-Gbyte drive, its capacity has increased to 4.7-Gbyte-per-side. It can be re-written more than 100,000 times.


Similar to DVD-RAM except that its technology features a sequential read-write access more like a phonograph than a hard disk. Its read-write capacity is 4.7 Gbytes per side. It can be re-written up to about 1,000 times.

DVD Audio

The latest audio format more than doubles the fidelity of a standard CD. It is expected to become the most popular audio disk.

2.special characters like stars, hands, arrows, and geometric shapes you can use to decorate a document. A collection of dingbats is found in a popular font called Wingdings.

3.The handshake helps the modems determine how they will exchange information.

4.An introductory screen on the World Wide Web, used to welcome visitors.


6.ENIAC was a product of World War II. The military needed to develop firing tables for its artillery, so that gunners in the field could quickly look up which settings to use with a particular weapon on a particular target under particular conditions.

7.. Ada suggested to Babbage writing a plan for how the engine might calculate Bernoulli numbers.



10 A modem is a device or program that enables a computer to transmit data over, for example, telephone or cable lines. Computer information is stored digitally, whereas information transmitted over telephone lines is transmitted in the form of analog waves. A modem converts between these two forms.

11.A bit (short for binary digit) is the smallest unit of data in a computer. In most computer systems, there are eight bits in a byte. (four bits) is called a nibble

12.We called it online .

13. The world wide was created in 1990

14.it was posted in 1234 by sharlet shrinks

15.In 1970 the eight inch floppy disk drive was introduced by IBM.

16. Each second contains 75 sectors, each of which can hold 2048 bytes

17.Douglas Carl Engelbart had invented a number of interactive, user-friendly information access systems that we take for granted today: the computer mouse, windows, shared-screen teleconferencing, hypermedia, groupware, and more

18.Compact Disc-Read Only Memory.

19.Any external device that plugs into your computer, such as a printer, modem, scanner, or tape drive.

20.A GUI (usually pronounced GOO-ee) is a graphical (rather than purely textual) user interface to a computer.

21.Dvorak is an option on virtually every computer, but with the advent of new technologies, the traditional desktop/laptop computer might lose its place as the predominant typing environment. Also, some administrators are refusing to allow users to switch to Dvorak when the option exists. This is especially a problem in schools.

22.A computer virus is a program designed to spread itself by first infecting
executable files or the system areas of hard and floppy disks and then
making copies of itself. Viruses usually operate without the knowledge or
desire of the computer user.


Multimedia and society.

Written on 7:55 AM by naadir

Define the following terms .

1.E-commerce- is the online transaction of business , featuring inked computer systems of vendor , host , and buyer
2. Bs2 business to consumer mean a transaction that occurs between a company and a consumer as opposed to a transaction between companies.

3.B2B mean when one business rather than tao an end user.

4. cookies mean a pice of information sen by a web server.

5. Encryption the technique of scrambling data , to make it unreadable without the key in the terminal or computer before data is transmitted for security ? anti-fraud.

6. SSl it's a protocol used for authenticating an encrypting web traffic.

Describe 3 benefits that e-commerce
1. change the way people shop.
2.makes it easier to find best prices on supplies.
3.it can provide customer service over the Web .