CD Cover

Written on 8:29 AM by naadir


Written on 7:01 AM by naadir Create custom animated gifs at!


Written on 6:49 AM by naadir

color Me Badd

Written on 6:49 AM by naadir


Written on 7:48 AM by naadir

SAFETY MARGINS- Text and important images must fall within the red boxes. Extending important elements beyond these lines can cause problems during cutting folding and assembly parts on text can end up being trimmed off or fall directly on a fold.

CUT LINES - This is approximately where your artwork will be trimmed keeping all text an important images inside the 1/8th inch safety margins will prevent their unintended loss during cutting.

BLEEDS - This area is going to be completely trimmed away during the cutting process. Only solid colors background images on foreground images that intentionally run off the page should extend through this area. Having bleeds ensures that you artwork will not have a thin white border around it.

FOLDS - Be very careful when running any text on important image over folds. Text , especially text under 9 pt can be hard to read if it is falling on a fold.

symmetrical Poster 3

Written on 7:46 AM by naadir

Symmetrical Poster 3

Written on 12:08 PM by naadir

Symmetrical Poster 2

Written on 11:57 AM by naadir


Written on 6:46 AM by naadir

Symmetrical Poster

Written on 7:54 AM by naadir

free write: what if......

Written on 6:49 AM by naadir

What if I was rich. I believe if I was rich maybe my life would be easier because I might could get anything I want . Also my family and I wont have any money problems. Such as my mom might want some shoes but she need the money to by food. With the money we have we can go around the world to view more things and meet new people.

Also if i was rich my family and I can move a bigger house and a better area.

Content :2

free write:Family

Written on 7:10 AM by naadir

  Family to me is a group of loving and honest people. Also family is people that I can all on if  I need them.My family is  mostly each along with each other. We go through somethings but when it is time to get  everyone around we do. My family to me is the best because they care about you and they would always ask how are you. I believe that when a family member ask this question this mean that they care about you . 

free write:Friendship

Written on 6:44 AM by naadir

Friendship to me is when you have someone you can depend one. Also you can trust them with most of the things that you tell them. That person would  never turn their back against you. Such as talking behind  your back. In order to have a good friend you need to respect then because if you don't have respect for them you would not have friends at all because  the way you act.

Free write:Self-Reflect

Written on 7:41 AM by naadir

  I believe that one thing that I might need to change is  stop talking about people. I think I should stop this because I can heart people feelings by not knowing what is their back round. That person might have been through a lot , such as  their parents might beat on them or call them names to heart them.  Also I believe I should stop talking about people because maybe their feeling can't take all the hate that they are receiving.

Halftone "Pop Dots" Tutorial

Written on 11:49 AM by naadir

Step 1: Open your image put a  selection around your image  that you would like to put the Pop Dots effect behind. (inverse if you need to).

STEP 2 : Press apple + j twice. Put a selection around layer 2.

Step 3: Go under the select menu , under modify and choose expand. Enter  10 pixels then press ok.

Step 4: Press d to switch your swatches to your default color then press options delete.

Step 5 Press the letter Q to enter quick mask mode. Go under the filter menu , under pixelate, and choose color halftone.Click ok.

Step 6 Keep running your filter until you are satisfied with the result. Tap the letter Q to leave the quick mask mode. 

Step 7 Options + delete Deselect your image.

Barack Obama

Written on 7:53 AM by naadir