Semi-Transparent Type Tutorial

Written on 8:02 AM by naadir

Step 1 Open the image of your choice. Press T to get the type tool and enter your text.

Step 2 Put a selection around your text. Hide your type your layer by clicking on the eye icon. Click on your  image layer

Step 3 Press apple +j add a drop shadow and inner shadow and inner glow effect using your layer styles.

Step 4 drag your original type layer into the trash.


Written on 7:25 AM by naadir

L.B. james

Written on 7:23 AM by naadir

Written on 7:06 AM by naadir

Painting Away Color Tutorial

Written on 6:43 AM by naadir

Step 1 open the image that you would like.
Step 2 click on the brush tool. In the options bar switch the Blend Mode to color. Change your foreground image to black.
Step 3 From the brushes palette choose a medium sized , soft edge [0% hardness]
step 4 start painting as you paint color the will disappears leaving your image in gray scale

Written on 8:16 AM by naadir

Shadow In Motion Tutorial

Written on 7:56 AM by naadir

Step 1 Tap the letter d to change your foreground color to black. Hold down the options key and tap the delete key type your text using a medium gray color #666666

Step 2 Duplicate your type layer by using Apple j short cut Rasterize your layer

Step 3 Go under the filter menu under pixel ate , choose fragment run this filter 2 more times by using the Apple + f shortcut

Step 4 Press Apple t in the options bar change the width and height to 130

Step 5 click on your original type and rasterize it click on the top layer and press apple e to merge the 2 layers

Step 6 To colorize you type press apple u to ring up the hue and saturation click the colorize check box and move the hue slider to the color you'd like

Photoshop Shortcuts

Written on 7:52 AM by naadir

Apple+U - Hue and saturation
Apple + t free transform
Options + delete changes color image to your foreground color
Apple+ j - duplicate layer
Apple + e - merge
Apple + f run the last filter
Apple + v paste
Apple + c copy
Apple + s save
Apple + a select all

Apple+z undo
Apple +x Cut 
Apple + n New document 
Apple + a select all