Semi-Transparent Type Tutorial

Written on 8:02 AM by naadir

Step 1 Open the image of your choice. Press T to get the type tool and enter your text.

Step 2 Put a selection around your text. Hide your type your layer by clicking on the eye icon. Click on your  image layer

Step 3 Press apple +j add a drop shadow and inner shadow and inner glow effect using your layer styles.

Step 4 drag your original type layer into the trash.


Written on 7:25 AM by naadir

L.B. james

Written on 7:23 AM by naadir

Written on 7:06 AM by naadir

Painting Away Color Tutorial

Written on 6:43 AM by naadir

Step 1 open the image that you would like.
Step 2 click on the brush tool. In the options bar switch the Blend Mode to color. Change your foreground image to black.
Step 3 From the brushes palette choose a medium sized , soft edge [0% hardness]
step 4 start painting as you paint color the will disappears leaving your image in gray scale

Written on 8:16 AM by naadir

Shadow In Motion Tutorial

Written on 7:56 AM by naadir

Step 1 Tap the letter d to change your foreground color to black. Hold down the options key and tap the delete key type your text using a medium gray color #666666

Step 2 Duplicate your type layer by using Apple j short cut Rasterize your layer

Step 3 Go under the filter menu under pixel ate , choose fragment run this filter 2 more times by using the Apple + f shortcut

Step 4 Press Apple t in the options bar change the width and height to 130

Step 5 click on your original type and rasterize it click on the top layer and press apple e to merge the 2 layers

Step 6 To colorize you type press apple u to ring up the hue and saturation click the colorize check box and move the hue slider to the color you'd like

Photoshop Shortcuts

Written on 7:52 AM by naadir

Apple+U - Hue and saturation
Apple + t free transform
Options + delete changes color image to your foreground color
Apple+ j - duplicate layer
Apple + e - merge
Apple + f run the last filter
Apple + v paste
Apple + c copy
Apple + s save
Apple + a select all

Apple+z undo
Apple +x Cut 
Apple + n New document 
Apple + a select all

Publishing, Newsand entertainment

Written on 6:55 AM by naadir

The medias history has exerted enormous influence on society for many years. Even before the invention of radio , movies and television printed information from newspapers magazines and books were a powerful force in shaping how people think and behave. Broadcast media are even more powerful than printed publication because they can reach more people and reach them faster. The Internet has added a new dimension to media industry.


Webzines are also called e-magazines, e-zines or zines. A webzine is a magazines that is published no the web for a whole range of readers. Some webzines are online Verizon of traditional print magazines , but others available only online. Some have a large , general readership but others are read almost exclusively by people who share a profesion , a hobby or almot othe interest.

. Blogs

Blogs short gor Web logs have quickly swept through the intenet as an easy way to publish your journal. Be aware , anyone can read your entries and, at homes commment

animated Gif

Written on 8:04 AM by naadir Create custom animated gifs at!

Written on 7:25 AM by naadir

African Proverb 8

Written on 7:52 AM by naadir

"An intelligent enemy is better than a stupid friend".

I believe that a intelligent friend is better enemy than a stupid friend because the smart enemy can challenge you to do better. Also because that person will always won't to be beat you in everything. The smart enemy will test you to see if they is doing better than you. This help you by staying on top of your work and you will not wont to stop studying what you need to know.
In your life you will not stop because you will know that that person is still working hard.

Holiday Card Project

Written on 7:10 AM by naadir

What of the holiday card project?

The purpose of the holiday card project is to create "holiday cards for people who are hospitality's during the holiday season. The idea behind the project is to simply try to bring a little cheer to those who are undergoing hospital stay.

Exactly who gets the cards ?

The cards will be distributed to both US and international hospital. The cards will be delivered in -person by a representative . The patients who receive the cards age in range from children to seniors and have illness or injuries that vary from mid to terminal

What should i write in a card ?

Be as creative as you'd like. Just remember , the degree illness for patients will vary so it's important to be cheerful. Some suggested greetings include "hope your felling better". Thinking of you ,or "Have nice day . Try to stay away from "Get well soon as it might not be approate for all patients. Remember to include a massage of "Happy Holidays".

Will the patients know who sent the cards?

The only way a patient will know who the card is from is. If you would like to send your card Anonymously you may.

Can I send more than one card ?

Aboustly "However remember that quality is better than quality. Sending one quality card and that you time and effect into is better than sending two cards that we thrown together.

Is there a specific size or medium for the card.

There is no specific size for the cards. Use your best judgement. You can design and decorate cards by drawing, coloring, or painting you can use glitter, construction paper , cardboard, markers,colored pencils, ribbon ,etc to make your card special you can also design your card using photoshop. In please use 4*6 or 5*7 dimensions.

test Review 11/3/08

Written on 7:43 AM by naadir

Menu bar- this bar is located at the top the of the screen. Its look Ike a long rectangular.

Options bar it below the menu bar and its look like a rectangular

Tool bar is on the left side of the screen its look like a retangular shape

Layer plaxt is on the right side and its looke a square

homework #3

Written on 7:41 AM by naadir

Due 11-3-08

Bring in 1 example of the outer glow effect. Your examples are not allowed to come from the Internet

Homework #2

Written on 7:00 AM by naadir

Due on 10/29/08

Bring in 2 examples of the stroke effect. Your examples are not allowed to be printed from the internet.

Homework #1

Written on 6:54 AM by naadir

Due 10/27/08

Bring in 2 examples of the drop shadow effect. Your examples are not allowed to be printed from the Internet.

Written on 7:09 AM by naadir

Photoshop Tool

Written on 6:51 AM by naadir

1.Marque Tool. Rectangular elliptical, single columns and single row are all the marques. They are used to put a selection or march ants around om image.

2.Move Tool. used to move a layer. You can use the mouse or the arrow keys to move layers.

3. Gradient Tool. Used to create gradients. A gradient is smooth transition from one color to another.

4.Paint bucket Tool. This tool enables you to paint large areas at once .

5. Horizontal Type Tool . This tool is is used to put is used to put text into an image .

6. Vertical Type Tool. This tool is used to to put the text into an image . It will write vertical.

7.Custom shape Tool. With this tool you can create a custom shape in your image. You can choose from standard or imported shapes.

8.Hand tool. This tool allows you to move your text canvas / stage around.

9. Zoom Tool . This tool is used to zoom in and out of your image.

10. Eyeddropp Tool. with this you can set your foreground color. In your image , click on the colr you want to have.

scavenger hunt

Written on 7:20 AM by naadir

1.What does DVD stand for?How many DVD formats are available? ____________________________________

2. What is a dingbat?3. What is a handshake?

4. What is a home page?

5. What handles can you not hold in your hand?
6. What was ENIAC? 7. What contribution did Ada Byron make to computing?

8. What kind of wafers are used at Intel to make computer chips?

9. What do they call the suit that cleanroom technicians must wear while making computer chips?

10. What does modem stand for anyway? (Search the site)

11. I think the person who coined these computer terms must have been hungry.What is a bit? How many bits are in a byte?

12. The ARPANET 's development began in 1966. It was an experiment to connect universities so they could share information. What do we call this today?

13. In what year was the first World-Wide Web software created by Tim Berners-Lee?

14. Project Gutenberg puts on the Internet public domain literature and information.What was the first document posted?

15. When were floppy disks introduced? _______________________________________________________

16. How many megabytes of data can a factory made audio CD hold? _________________________________

17. Douglas Engelbart was a computer visionary of the 1960's. What did he invent that you find handy?

18. What do the letters CD-ROM stand for?

19. Name three computer peripherals

.20. What does GUI (pronounced "goo-ey") mean?

21 What is an advantage of the Dvorak keyboard?

22. What is a computer virus?

23. How did Marcian Hoff's invention change computers? Look him up.
Page 4

24. Apple Computer's G4 is a supercomputer because its operations can be measured in gigaflops. What is a gigaflop?

25. What mammal, other than humans, uses a computer?

26. This teacher's web page is an example of:

_27.Digital versatile disc

DVD Video

For viewing movies and other visual entertainment. The total capacity is 17 Gbytes if two layers on both sides of the disk are utilized.


Its basic technology is the same as DVD Video, but it also includes computer-friendly file formats. It is used to store data. This product should supplant conventional CD-ROMs in the near future.


Its capacity is 4.7 Gbytes. Originally designed for professional authoring, a version for general consumer use is now under development. As with CD-R, users can write only once to this disk.


This makes DVD a virtual hard disk, with a random read-write access. Originally a 2.6-Gbyte drive, its capacity has increased to 4.7-Gbyte-per-side. It can be re-written more than 100,000 times.


Similar to DVD-RAM except that its technology features a sequential read-write access more like a phonograph than a hard disk. Its read-write capacity is 4.7 Gbytes per side. It can be re-written up to about 1,000 times.

DVD Audio

The latest audio format more than doubles the fidelity of a standard CD. It is expected to become the most popular audio disk.

2.special characters like stars, hands, arrows, and geometric shapes you can use to decorate a document. A collection of dingbats is found in a popular font called Wingdings.

3.The handshake helps the modems determine how they will exchange information.

4.An introductory screen on the World Wide Web, used to welcome visitors.


6.ENIAC was a product of World War II. The military needed to develop firing tables for its artillery, so that gunners in the field could quickly look up which settings to use with a particular weapon on a particular target under particular conditions.

7.. Ada suggested to Babbage writing a plan for how the engine might calculate Bernoulli numbers.



10 A modem is a device or program that enables a computer to transmit data over, for example, telephone or cable lines. Computer information is stored digitally, whereas information transmitted over telephone lines is transmitted in the form of analog waves. A modem converts between these two forms.

11.A bit (short for binary digit) is the smallest unit of data in a computer. In most computer systems, there are eight bits in a byte. (four bits) is called a nibble

12.We called it online .

13. The world wide was created in 1990 was posted in 1234 by sharlet shrinks

15.In 1970 the eight inch floppy disk drive was introduced by IBM.

16. Each second contains 75 sectors, each of which can hold 2048 bytes

17.Douglas Carl Engelbart had invented a number of interactive, user-friendly information access systems that we take for granted today: the computer mouse, windows, shared-screen teleconferencing, hypermedia, groupware, and more

18.Compact Disc-Read Only Memory.

19.Any external device that plugs into your computer, such as a printer, modem, scanner, or tape drive.

20.A GUI (usually pronounced GOO-ee) is a graphical (rather than purely textual) user interface to a computer.

21.Dvorak is an option on virtually every computer, but with the advent of new technologies, the traditional desktop/laptop computer might lose its place as the predominant typing environment. Also, some administrators are refusing to allow users to switch to Dvorak when the option exists. This is especially a problem in schools.

22.A computer virus is a program designed to spread itself by first infecting
executable files or the system areas of hard and floppy disks and then
making copies of itself. Viruses usually operate without the knowledge or
desire of the computer user.


Multimedia and society.

Written on 7:55 AM by naadir

Define the following terms .

1.E-commerce- is the online transaction of business , featuring inked computer systems of vendor , host , and buyer
2. Bs2 business to consumer mean a transaction that occurs between a company and a consumer as opposed to a transaction between companies.

3.B2B mean when one business rather than tao an end user.

4. cookies mean a pice of information sen by a web server.

5. Encryption the technique of scrambling data , to make it unreadable without the key in the terminal or computer before data is transmitted for security ? anti-fraud.

6. SSl it's a protocol used for authenticating an encrypting web traffic.

Describe 3 benefits that e-commerce
1. change the way people shop.
2.makes it easier to find best prices on supplies. can provide customer service over the Web .

Internet - Related Multimedia Careers

Written on 8:06 AM by naadir

Multimedia development is most often done by teams of people . Each team member brings an area of expertise  to project.

.3D animation  are people  that use lights, modeling and digital imaging to design a game or movie cartoons.

. Graphic designers is a responsible for arranging and using elements on different types of media

. Writers gather information through personal observation, library and Internet research, and interviews.

African Proverb 7

Written on 7:44 AM by naadir

            "Knowledge is like a garden ,if its not cultivated ,it can not be harvested".

I believe that if you study hard that your knowledge will grow. Also this can mean if you study more you will understand life and it's ways. Your skill level will be on the top. Things you been knew people did not know at all. The test and questions giving to you it will be easy.

I think that when you work hard it will pay off when your pay check comes. If you don't do bad thing it will not heart your brain. When you do those things wrong maybe your brain will mess up. So you should stay away from the those things so it will not come to you. Example M.Marica say study everything every night.

African Proverb # 6

Written on 7:42 AM by naadir

                                                 "A person who knows proverbs can reconcile differences".

 I believe this means that if a person figured out a problem the can figured out a differences. Also this mean that when problem between a person can help  with the problem. Such as when when know your work and stop your self from fighting .
You can say you know how to play but know when to stop.

If you you know your work  thins means that you can never play in school. When play will not play when you need to study. Such as I will study then play . Also will never play in class. This is what I think about the proverb.

african proverb #5

Written on 7:25 AM by naadir

                              " The fool  speaks the wise listens."                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  This proverb means to me that if speaking when someone is talking you will never know what is going on. When you talking to anyone when someone is giving you important information  you should be the wise one and listen to that person. It can be about a test that you need to know but you are talking and when the test comes you will be looking stupid. That person will fail the test because you wanted to talk.

If a  anything bad happen  to a family member you will ever know . Also there can be a fire and you was talking to a friend you both would died. This why you need to listen at all times. Listening is one of the most important thins you should know  in everyday life.

Carved Wood Type Tutorial

Written on 7:19 AM by naadir

. Click on the line the gradient tool . In the options Bar, click on the Gradient thumbnail to bring up the gradient editor. When  it appears , double click on the left color stop. When  the color picker appears ,click on the custom button than choose PATONE 722 and click OK. Double click on the right color stop, this time choose PATONE 732. Click OK .

Step 2  In the options bar, click on the radial gradients iron. Using this tool, click - and -along from  the center to the  top of the   back round  layer. Go under the filter menu . choose add noise. Enter 12% for amount, choose Gaussian, check Monochromatic, and click OK.
Step 3  Then go under the filter menu, under Blur, and choose Motion Blur. Enter 33º for angle and 10 for distance. Click OK. Now , go under sharpen and choose UN sharp Mask. Enter 500% for amount , 9.0 pixels  for Radius, and 1 for Threshold , click OK.

Step 4  Type your text . Go under the layer menu , under rasterize , and choose Type to convert your  Type layer into a regular Brush strokes  , choose sprayed strokes Type 12 for shake length , 7 for radius , and right diagonal  for directions . Click OK.
STEP 5 Click the magic wand tool, Click once in your first letter of your word . Then go under the select menu and choose similar  to select the rest of the the letters. Under the select , choose inverse . Now press delete to remove the little chunks of white space around the letters created by brushed strokes filter.
Step 6  Go under the select menu and choose Inverse Drag your text layer into the trash to delete it. Press Apple +J to put the selected background area up on its own layer. In the layers palette , click once on the background layer. Press Apple + D to deselect.

Step 7  Click on your text layer. Choose bevel and emboss from the layer styles menu at the bottom of the  layers palette when the dialog box appears increase the depth to 400% and decrease the size  to 4 increase the left opacity to 90% from the left side of the layer style dialog box, click on the word drop shadow to bring up its options . Increase the size to 8 , lower opacity to  50% and click OK

Step 8 Choose the lasso tool. Make a thin selection in the center of each letter. Remember to hold the shift key. Press apple+ c to copy. Add a new layer press apple = v to paste. Change the layer mode from normal to color burn. 
Step 9 Duplicate your new layer. Now duplicate your duplicated  layer change the layer mode from color burn to to screen. Click on the move tool. Press the right arrow key twice the down arrow key once.

light Burst

Written on 8:03 AM by naadir

african proverb #4

Written on 7:37 AM by naadir

                                          "It better to be loved than feared."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I believe that when you love someone you do not do wrong things to them. This also means that if you are in love you do not go around tell their business. Love can be family love or relationship love. So if you love someone that you can trust them with anything and everything . For example say if you are in a relationship and you love that person but person hits on you or anything wrong to heart that's not love.

You can use love to help with someone problems. Such as the fill down  you can listen and understand what they are saying. When your children fill that all you do say bad things you can so them you do love them. You can get married and have child or children.

Extra cash

Written on 8:01 AM by naadir

You have an extra  $100,000 to give away  you cannot spend it on yourself . What would you do it with the money?

I would have a skateboard  contest for $100,000. It will be 20 people in the contest . It will be 4 rounds of skating. The kind of skating is street no vert, no bowl.  The rules are no rules. Also  anyone of any age can come and skate.  There will be pro skaters there to watch or skate. 

I will give the skateboarder the money because it's hard to find places to skate. Some of them are poor some have money. Maybe the winner will make their own park. Also they can their own skateboard line. This is what I would do with the $100,000.

Light Burst Tutorial

Written on 7:21 AM by naadir

Step:1 Set your foreground  color to black. Type your text. Rasterize  your type layer. Put a selection around your text. Go under the select menu and choose save selection.

Step: 2 Deselect your type switch your foreground color to white. Under the edit menu choose fill. Change the  mode to multiply. Go under filter menu under blur choose Gaussian  blur 25 pixel.

Step:3 Go under the filter menu under stylize and choose solarize. Press shift -apple -L to run  auto levels   complicate layer.
Step:4 Filter menu , under distort  choose polar coordinates choose polar to rectangular.

Step:5 Go under the image menu , under rotate canvas , choose 90º cw . Invert your image (apple-I). Filter choose stylize.

Step:6 In your dialog box choose wind  for direction run this filter  2 more times by pressing apple + f twice.

Step:7 Invert your image run auto levels. Run the wind filter 3 more times  rotate canvas 90ºcw filter menu ,distort , choose polar coordinates .

Step:8  In polar coordinates choose rectangular to blend mode  from normal to screen.

Step:9 Create a menu layer choose a gradient drag your gradient through this layer change the blend mode to color.

Step:10 Click on your text layer copy filter menu under blur choose racial blur. In dialog box choose zoom. Increase the amount to 6. Click your original  text layer select menu load  selection  chose alpha 1. Change your foreground color to black deselect your text.

African Proverb 3

Written on 7:13 AM by naadir

 I  believe that this proverb  means this your brother and sister are always with you. They will never be apart from you. This great because they will never  leave you.

Introduction to photoshop

Written on 6:44 AM by naadir

Whats  is photoshop?

Aboe Photoshop is a professional image editing software.

About the work area.

Menu Bar this is  where you can acces most of the features and commands into Photoshop.It is located at the very top of photoshop.

Options Bar displays  your tool options. It changes as different tools are selected.

Toolbar contains all of your tools. They are used for creating and editing images.

Palettes to monitor and modify images. There are 5 paletts by debult.

Stage/canvas where the image bring worked on will appear.

Layers  The layer window shows the various layers that your image is made up of .

Selection There are several way to select images of portions of image in Photoshop. Here is one basic method to do so: Adding to a selection and making a square.

1. Use the rectangular selection tool to select the area to be worked on.

2. To add to a selection hold shift before dragging.

3. To make the selection exactly square, start dragging then hold shift.

4. You can press Ctrl+to deselect and remove the selection at any time.


Introduction to photoshop

Written on 6:44 AM by naadir

African Proverbs #2

Written on 7:24 AM by naadir

I believe that this  proverb means that you can do something for so long time  but still don't understand anything. Also I think this to you should  know what you doing in life. This can also mean to listen to what  is giving to you.

African Proverbs

Written on 7:14 AM by naadir

 It seems to me that this proverb means that knowledge can give you all the money you need. Maybe if you have you can buy a good school but you determine to learn or not . Therefore you should have knowledge over did not have much when you was little  but  you are very smart and all the money. 

08-09 School Year

Written on 6:52 AM by naadir

   I feel that my goal  this  school  year is to do my best. For example in math I got a  C+ this year I want a A+. On a result my grades did not show as I wanted to last year.  Clearly this year I want all A's and this is my main goal.  This year I want to my best and  don't play around like I did last year.

I believe that I did  not study or listen at all. Maybe if I did  not joke around and  not listen I would not of got C's and B's. Therefore the benefits we get is that are computers are up to date. We also have tables that clean some schools have gum under the tables.  Are  have  hot or warm food some schools have frozen food. In fact my weakest subject was social studies , my strongest 
subject is math.